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Quest 3 class guide




Now we are ready for third class quests, npc Apostle Devin  is found in CryWolf (229,48).

Let's go to the first part of the third class quests?


  • We will have to get the items listed below:



  • Items and their drops:

Death-beam Knight Flame:  drop into Tarkan2 on:

 Death Beam Knight (164, 194)



Hell-Miner Horn: drop into Aida2 on:

Hell Maine (108,146)



Dark Phoenix Feather: drop into Icarus on:

Phoenix of Darkness(36, 260)



After dropping and getting it, go back to the NPC and deliver the QUEST, do we go to the next step?



  • The second part of the quests for the third class, we will have to kill 60 mobs in total.
  • (Recommended to do in Party)



  • The entrance to the Barracks (Werewolf quarrel) map is on the Apostle Devin side, Crywolf (225, 48)



  • To follow the dead mobs press the letter T  and click on the Change class tab

After killing all the mobs go back to the NPC and deliver the QUEST, will we go to the next and last step?



  • The last part we will have to kill the Dark Elf



  • It is found at the end of the map Barracks (121,169)



  • Recommended to kill her in Party (Or call a strong little friend)


After killing the Dark Elf, go back to the NPC and deliver the QUEST, now you've got 3rd class and will have access to the levels after level 400
(And have how to build the Master level tree).

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